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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Half Full or Half Empty?

Having a wonderful and relaxing Memorial Day weekend.  Today my husband and I invited 8 of our dear friends over for a BBQ. Great food, company and the weather was beautiful.

I've been thinking about how lucky I am lately.  Sure I have problems, who doesn't?  But I think it really depends upon how you "hold" those ideas.  Problems are really ideas, or a story we tell ourselves about reality.  I'm not happy about my mother's aging, dementia and the difficulties this presents for my life.  Nor am I happy about the knee replacement surgery I'm having later this month, on and on and on.

Ok, so what am I going to do about these things?  My choice is to enjoy the other aspects of my life, good food, my friends and family, my beautiful home and garden and my 2 wonderful dogs.

What does this have to do with nutrition, conscious eating and the other things I usually write about?  I think that remaining conscious of what's real and true is my life includes not just food, but all these other aspects of my life as well.  I can CHOOSE to look at my life as half empty, or half full.

I do have issues with my health that affect what I eat.  I can CHOOSE to be unhappy about this, or I can CHOOSE to eat in the way that's healthiest for me, and enjoy all the wonderful things I CAN eat.

Half Full!


Farida said...

Yes you are right! Who dosen't have problems ? yes we should think about the full part of the cup

Ellen Glovsky said...

Of course, I agree! I find that I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER when I live this way. This affects all of my life, and includes my attitude toward the food I eat.

Andy Glenn said...

That has been my main problem so far...I realize im full when I'm 1,5 full :(